Physical Therapy Mentorship experiences can come from a structured Orthopaedic Residency or Fellowship program. At PhysioGreen we provide opportunities to learn from experts even without the rigor of a post-graduate program. These opportunities are available from continuing education courses and mentorship outside of a structured Residency or Fellowship program...
Dr. Prizinski serves as Administrator and Curriculum Coordinator for SportsMedicine of Atlanta's Manual Therapy Fellowship Program. A Fellowship experience is a planned learning curriculum that involves advanced manual therapy skills learned from our Orthopaedic Manual Therapy Lab Series, our core didactic curriculum, and electives. More information about our courses and can be found at Dr. DuVall is the Fellowship Program Director and Orthopaedic Residency Program Director and places significant emphasis of both Direct Access and Medical Screening for Physical Therapist Autonomy.
Dr. Prizinski is cofounder of Nxt Gen Institute of Physical Therapy. He serves as VIce President of Administration and Associate Faculty for the Orthopaedic Residency Program and Fellowship Program. His current research interests are in clinical decision making, pain science, neurodynamics, and a biopsychosocial approach to motor control. The Orthopaedic Residency Program is a developing program from the American Physical Therapy Association.